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I am currently working at the University of Edinburgh on a teaching focused-role. Here is a list of the courses I am lecturing. If you are a student at the university of Edinburgh, you can access the material through the LEARN system.

Academic year 24/25

  • ILA: Introduction to Linear Algebra (Semester 1)
  • SVCDE: Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations (Semester 1)
  • FPM: Fundamental of Pure Mathematics (Semester 2)
  • MLP: Machine Learning in Python (Semester 2)

I do not currently have student projects for the current year, but if you want to discuss something with me, you can find me in JCMB 2.256. My office hours are (semester time only) Thursday 2pm to 3pm and Friday 10am to 11 am. Please send me an email to set up an alternative meeting time if you can’t come during those hours.